Thursday, 23 January 2014

Bruce Monro

So, it's been long overdue that I posted here and there's not really an excuse...
But, in my defense, I have had a crazy time with a new module, Christmas, hand in and all! I'll try to make sure that I don't ever leave a massive gap between blogging again. But for now, get ready for a blog overload over the next couple of weeks. I'll also post what I've been up to with my last studio module and what I'll be doing for my next one. I've also got a nice backlog of posts for what we're actually doing in profession studies!

But anyway, I wanted to talk about something I did over Christmas that was really inspiring.
I went to a National Trust place called Waddesdon Manor. (check out their website at I didn't actually get to look around the house which was gutting, but I went especially as there was a Bruce Monro exhibition around the grounds. Even if there was no exhibition, I would really recommend going. It was beautiful. Going back to fully explore the manor is definitely on my to-do list.

I'd not ever heard of Bruce Monro before, but I took the time to watch a little video of his previous works. He is a light installation artist, and he creates things that I would never have even thought possible. I'm keen to use his work as an inspiration for a surface pattern design some time. He had 6 different installations at Waddesdon- Brass Monkeys, Water Towers, Tepees, Parliament of Owls, Mynah Words and River of Light. You can check out each individual one and it's background over at Each installation's reason/meaning is actually really interesting - have a look!

Exhibition Leaflet, River of Light, Heather and I at the Manor and Water Towers

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